webSaver.ca is Canada’s largest and most trusted online coupons and Cashback Offers website because we help families just like yours save money on your groceries.
Enter the webSaver.ca “Shop & Win 2023” Contest for a chance to win the Grand Prize of one $500.00 Gift Card plus you can also win 1 of 5 additional grocery gift card weekly prizes of $100.
Participating in this contest is as easy as pie, and the excitement it brings is beyond measure. Here’s how to enter:
- Load Offer: Log into webSaver.ca & load your contest offer to your webSaver wallet.
- Upload Receipt: After shopping, upload your receipt to webSaver.ca.
- Enter Contest: After your receipt has been uploaded, you have been entered into the contest!
Enter the “Shop & Win 2023” now!

webSaver.ca Summer Contest Rules and Regulations:
- To enter and qualify, you must be a webSaver.ca member.
- The contest runs from August 14th, 2023 to September 17th, 2023, and closes at 11:59 p.m. EST on September 17th, 2023.
- This Contest is open to all residents of Canada, who have reached the age of 18 by the contest entry date.
- One (1) prize of $500.00 CAD ($500.00 total) in the form of a grocery gift card.
- 1 of 5 weekly prizes of $100.00 CAD ($500.00 total) in the form of a grocery gift card.